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By completing this Award you will be able to:
Perform a flat stationary scull on the back.
Perform a feet first sculling action for 5 metres in a flat position on the back.
Perform a sculling sequence with a partner for 30-45 seconds to include a rotation.
Tread water for 30 seconds.
Perform three different shaped jumps into deep water.
Push and glide and swim 10 metres backstroke (performed to Swim England expected standards).
Push and glide and swim 10 metres front crawl (performed to Swim England expected standards).
Push and glide and swim 10 metres breaststroke (performed to Swim England expected standards).
Push and glide and swim 10 metres butterfly (performed to Swim England expected standards).
Perform a handstand and hold for a minimum of three seconds.
Perform a forward somersault.
Demonstrate an action for getting help.
Octanauts 5
Whilst swimming at stage 5:
We work on stamina and strength is developed further with Swimmers working towards their 25metres in each stroke.
Buttterfly is introduced in this stage in addition to skills relating to varied aquatic sports.

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